Ready to assemble or knockdown furniture is a form of furniture in which they are unassembled and requires customers to put together by themselves with little effort. Ready-to-assemble furniture is typically packaged in a kit form with parts packaged in one or multiple boxes. The kit may contain a number of flat parts, fasteners, fixings, and other parts that are needed to assemble the furniture. usually instructions are provided and can be easily to understood by customers.
Unlike traditional furniture, items such as beds, dining sets are sold in already-assemble forms, all the assembly works are done at factory. if there are potential problems happen in drilling holes or linking areas, the woodworkers could recognize them right away and fix those mistakes easily. For knockdown furniture, item parts are assembled at home by customers who could have never done any work related to assembling wood parts. Therefore, the item parts need to be perfect even the smallest details.
At Vietwood, we are confident to say we have ability to produce knockdown furniture. with profiling system as mentioned in the Profiling part, we can assure high quality and highly accurate knockdown products.